Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pop Not Soda...Told You So!

This is brilliant! It's being submitted to PepsiCo, so it doesnt actually exist yet, although I sure hope it does. Collector's item much?

The idea came from an L.A. based artist who created this not for profit --
"I am excited to share this idea with the folks at Pepsi as either an art piece to compliment their vast collection within the Pepsico headquarters or as a limited edition run of cans leading up to Michael Jackson's funeral. Not as a money making idea but as a way of expressing the power of icons and the art of a big idea."

It's a win for the midwesterners (except Wisconsin) who call pop, pop and not soda, cuz when you open a can of pop, it goes pop, not soda!

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

- baroke v

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